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Jonny Hartwell interviews Kate Kelleher about feeling your best self with BeBalanced.

Jonny Hartwell from The Heart of Pittsburgh chats with BeBalanced owner Kate Kelleher and BeBalanced client Bonny Diver about how BeBalanced can guide you toward feeling like your best self, again!

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Jonny Hartwell talks to Kate Kelleher from BeBalanced Weight Center

Whether your goal is to lose weight, improve digestion, have more energy, lower anxiety, improve your sleep, reduce hot flashes, increase libido, or all of the above, BeBalanced has a personalized approach for you. At BeBalanced, we pride ourselves on using a holistic, natural approach to help balance hormones. No medications, no prescription drugs, or Hormone Replacement Therapy! By eating a whole foods-based diet combined with relaxation, natural supplementation, and support from our coaches, BeBalanced will help you create a healthier lifestyle for lasting success and symptom relief!

“As you get older, it’s more of a struggle. So, when I heard that there was a hormone balancing program that was natural and not prescription, I wanted to really check it out. So I went in and had the free consultation. It’s not just about weight loss, although I did lose a bunch of weight in the process, it’s about feeling better, having more energy, and being able to get rid of stress and inflammation. I went out to a couple of events the other day, and I wore a dress. And it’s like for me, to wear a dress is like a really big deal. I just have so much more energy and feel so much better about myself.” – Bonny Diver, BeBalanced Client

Are you tired of being told what you are feeling is just “part of getting older”? Come chat with us, we can help! Schedule your free, in-person, or virtual consultation appointment today!